The September issue of the renowned magazine, Shōnen Ace, recently disclosed that the manga “Your Turn to Die: Tasūketsu Death Game” will come to an end in its next chapter. Fans eagerly await the climactic finale, which is set to be released in the magazine’s next issue on August 26.
Yen Press, a prominent publisher of manga and light novels, has obtained the license for “Your Turn to Die: Tasūketsu Death Game” and is releasing an English translation of the series. Yen Press describes the story:
“Sara Chidouin has been getting harassed by a mysterious stalker lately, so her concerned friend Joe Tazuna decides to walk her home. But once they arrive, the two of them are attacked by someone and black out. When they come to, they find that they’ve been restrained to some tables in a strange room…”
Yen Press
The Creative Minds Behind the Manga
The manga adaptation of “Your Turn to Die: Tasūketsu Death Game” is the brainchild of Tatsuya Ikegami, known for his exceptional storytelling and artistic prowess. Ikegami launched the manga in Shōnen Ace in March 2019, captivating readers with his unique style and gripping narrative.
The publisher, Kadokawa, has been instrumental in bringing “Your Turn to Die: Tasūketsu Death Game” to life. They have published four compiled volumes of the manga, with the fourth volume released on January 26. The collaboration between Ikegami and Kadokawa has resulted in a visually stunning and emotionally charged adaptation of the game.
Origins: The Indie Game
The manga “Your Turn to Die: Tasūketsu Death Game” is based on an indie game of the same name created by Nankidai. The game gained significant popularity and has been made available on the RPG Atsumaru website and app. It offers an immersive gaming experience, enticing players with its intricate puzzles and intense decision-making.
Source: Shōnen Ace September issue
The English version of the game was launched on PC via Steam on February 20.